
Write a Spell

Is there something you'd like to create this week? Some experience of life you'd like to have? Some way of being, something you'd like to accomplish?

I invite you to write it down, as if it were already true — as if the act of writing would make it come true. Yes, that might sound like magical thinking — and it is. There's something powerful about writing down what you want to happen, because it activates a part of your brain that can already see that possibility as reality.

Writing it down isn't enough, of course. You have to figure out what you need to do, or how you need to be, to make that happen. Keep the spell on a piece of paper that you can see multiple times a day. Actually take the time to read it out, as if invoking a spell. Then go and start to make it true, one act at a time. Create the being and experience of life you've been craving.

What happens is that the spell not only allows your brain to see the reality of this possibility ... it allows your heart to crave it. It asks your brain and your heart what would need to happen to create this reality. And then you start to look for the places where you could bring it in, and make it real