
Pause Pleasing

Think of the most influential people in your life.

Are they people pleasers who always say yes? OR, are they individuals willing to say something that might shock or leave others dissatisfied?

Imagine the freedom of fully expressing yourself without worrying about what the person across from you might think!

Like many of us, you may tend to please others at the expense of your own opinions and desires. In your efforts to get others to like you and minimize rejection, you sacrifice your feelings and preferences. You put the power over your life in the hands of everyone but yourself.

The good news is that you can learn how to displease with ease.
The next time you find yourself swallowing your truth so as not “rock the boat,” stop and take a breath instead. Give yourself the freedom to say what you feel, responsibly of course.

Not quite ready to say it? Write it down instead. Keep doing that until you are ready to say it out loud. Then say it loud and clear!